ドラマ 「FULL HOUSE」 season one episode 13

So be it それならそれでよい

make some calls 何度か電話をする

ask around あちこち尋ねる

stop cold turkey きっぱりやめる

come along ふと現れる

 In life,when something comes along,you must grab it.

get one's hopes up 高い期待を抱く

 Don't get your hopes up too high.

Do some coloring お絵かきしていろ 

do my hair 髪の毛を整える

that's show biz それが芸能界ってもんだ

get off the hook 窮地から逃れる

bright side 慰めの側面

 There's bright side.

Way to go! でかした よくやった

for one's sake ~のために

get ~ out of one's systems ~を洗いざらい言う

 get that all out of our systems

what's eating you? 何に怒ってるの? 

hand-me-down お古